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  • Masterbatch дегеніміз не және ол қалай қолданылады?

Masterbatch дегеніміз не және ол қалай қолданылады?


Masterbatch полимерлердің қасиеттерін жақсарту немесе түс беру үшін пластмасса өнеркәсібінде қолданылатын қатты қоспаны білдіреді. Негізінде бұл полимер тасымалдаушысының ішінде дисперсті пигменттердің немесе қоспалардың жоғары концентрацияланған қоспасы. Бұл қоспаны экструдерде қыздырып, жоғары кесу арқылы араластырады, содан кейін салқындатылады, кесіледі және түйіршіктер арқылы түйіршіктерге немесе түйіршіктерге айналады.

Masterbatch provides an economical and efficient way to color raw polymers or incorporate functional properties into plastics during manufacturing.

Color masterbatch, also known as color concentrate, is specifically designed for adding color to thermoplastics. It comprises one or more colorants combined with a carrier resin that matches the polymer. The formula, or “recipe,” of the masterbatch is customized to meet specific application requirements.

Masterbatches are known for their high concentration, enabling a small quantity to achieve significant results. For instance, a 25 kg bag of masterbatch can evenly color or enhance up to a tonne of natural polymer. This “let-down ratio” reduces material usage while maintaining precision.

Key Characteristics of Masterbatch

  1. Precise Control: Masterbatch allows for meticulous control of transparency or opacity in finished products compared to raw pigments.
  2. Uniform Composition: Additive ingredients are pre-measured, ensuring consistency and minimal variation during manufacturing.
  3. Enhanced Efficiency: Using masterbatch improves melting and binding processes, as the carrier resin is compatible with the base polymer.
  4. Dust-Free Handling: Unlike raw pigments, masterbatch granules do not become airborne, eliminating the risk of cross-contamination in production areas.
  5. Long Shelf Life: Masterbatches are solvent-free, meaning the polymer doesn’t evaporate over time. Additive concentrations typically range from 40% to 65%, but in specific applications, they can vary from 15% to 80%.

Benefits of Using Masterbatch

1. Streamlined Additive Integration

Masterbatch simplifies the incorporation of additives by enabling direct mixing of granules with the base polymer. This eliminates the need for specialized dosing equipment to handle minuscule quantities of powder and enhances accuracy in achieving the desired additive levels.

2. Consistent Product Quality

By improving the dispersion of pigments and additives, masterbatch ensures greater consistency in final products. This also leads to more stable production processes with reduced variability.

3. Safer Handling

Hazardous additives in their raw form can pose significant safety risks. Encapsulating these materials in a polymer resin reduces their potential harm, minimizes exposure, and often eliminates the need for extensive personal protective equipment (PPE).

4. Cleaner Production Environment

Masterbatch contributes to tidier production lines. Without powdered pigments or additives prone to spillage or static adhesion, production areas experience reduced contamination, quicker transitions between product batches, and more efficient workflows.

5. Extended Additive Stability

Encapsulation also protects additives from environmental factors like humidity, temperature fluctuations, and UV exposure, extending their shelf life and preserving functionality during storage.

6. Antimicrobial Integration

For applications requiring antimicrobial properties, masterbatch offers a seamless way to incorporate these technologies, ensuring consistent performance across a wide range of products.

Why Choose Masterbatch Over Raw Pigments?

Masterbatch provides distinct advantages over using raw pigments:

  • Precision: It offers higher accuracy in achieving the desired color or property consistency.
  • Ease of Use: The granulated form simplifies handling, reduces waste, and eliminates the mess of powders.
  • Safety: Encapsulation reduces the risks of inhalation or contamination during manufacturing.
  • Efficiency: Masterbatch enhances the homogeneity of pigments and additives, leading to superior results in less time.


Masterbatch stands out as an essential component in modern plastics manufacturing. By combining precision, safety, and efficiency, it addresses the limitations of raw pigments while delivering superior results. Whether it’s adding vibrant colors or integrating functional properties, masterbatch technology is a versatile and reliable solution for industries seeking high-quality, consistent, and sustainable plastic products.


Мастербетч индустриясындағы қосымша білім мен трендтерді біздің блогтан біліңіз.


Полимерлі мастер-беттердің артықшылықтарын зерттеу

Полимер мастер-беттері, пигменттердің, қоспалардың және толтырғыштардың шоғырланған қоспасы, өндіру процесінде пластикалық өнімдердің физикалық және эстетикалық қасиеттерін жақсарту үшін пластикалық өнеркәсібінде таптырмас нәрсе болды.

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